Monday, 29 July 2013

Young Guns Bozeman

Gallatin County Fair

Gallatin County Fair was pretty full-on and very busy. We were inside a hall alongside other free fun things to do for kids and had the luck of seeing Mango and Dango perform every time they did their stroll through the building.It was super cool!! We also did the bull ride, got to Level 3 even though it was the first time for the both of us (it's all in the hips!), did flips on the trampoline with harness, and I went with the girls on various rides. As it was also a 4-H fair, there were plenty of animals.

Mango and Dango Lift-Off

Mango and Dango

Beth - Train Operator

4-H Kid and Kid

Pig Judging

I love Goats

Turkey Head

Like a Mirror Image

Long Horn

Long Horn not impressed

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Big John - Big Bad John

Nascar. Scaled Down

Nascar. Scaled down.

The Tractor Pull

Pay the Bull Guy

Hilary flying through the air

That would be me flying through the air. Photo done by Hilary
Pick-Up Party: entertainers from the Fair at down-time

The amazing Allen from the Tractor Pull cooking beautiful food on the back of his pick-up


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Look Ma! No Hands!

Hilary rocking it on the bull. 1st time.

1st time on Bull. 

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Summer with the Young Guns: Chinook, Montana County Fair

Since the 10th of July, I have been traveling with and working for the lovely McDowell family who run Young Guns Entertainment - a Wild West themed Fun Park for kids under ten. Hilary the mother, her two daughters, Emma and Charley and myself are working our way around different county and state fairs throughout Montana and Wyoming.

First up: Chinook. A small town county fair which featured 4-H activities, us, a wonderful clown called Pippi, Marcus the Funny Man who Does Tricks and The Bull Guy among other entertainment. Chinook, which has about 1200 people, is on the Hi-Line, Highway 2, which runs parallel to the Canadian border. The ladies of Chinook make the best PIE ever. We ate them so fast that I didn't have the chance to get my camera out.

Pippi the Clown

Alice in Wonderland

Marcus the Funny Man who Does Tricks

Food Booth. 

Pippi painting faces

Blowing Plastic Bubbles

The Lions Club

Watching the Rodeo

Rockin the Bull - one of the best riders in the whole fair

First time on the Bull

Marcus Juggling

Butterflies and Polka Dots - Essences of Summer


Demolition Derby

Sun Tea

Chinook by Motel

Just due North of the Hi-Line Highway 2


Inside the Chinook Motor Inn